Why I created HyperClouds?

2023-10-02 00:56 Comment(s)

The face of the moon was in shadow to solve theses problems

After 35 years of expertise in Infrastructure Engineering I saw the evolution of technologies that existed for more than 50 years like Linux (Unix) and from Hardware Fault tolerant to Software, then VM (Virtual Machines) running on Linux and Cloud with HyperScalers like AWS, Google, Microsoft, Oracle.

One common problem that I always face where the moon was in shadow meaning there is incompatibility or proprietary technologies and you need a gateway, connector  or operator between them or they simply need to be changed, redesigned or re-scripted or re-coded.


Vendor Locked

We see this today with the HyperScalers like AWS, Google and Microsoft. If you use one of them and connect to their managed services like AWS IAM security, AWS Instances Graviton processors on ARM64, Google IAM, Microsoft IAM, AWS LoadBalancer, AWS Cloudfont, AWS Cloudformation, Google Anthos, AWS RDS DocumentDB,  Google or AWS or Microsoft Backups / Snapshot, MongoDB Atlas, or with Microsoft where nothing of their cloud services are working as the other ones then you are LOCKED IN.

Are you really locked in?

No, and Yes, it's possible to migrate to another cloud provider with changes of configurations and code.

No Real CI / CI Pipeline

Developers used to code on a VM that looks like the Production environment but with many dev and debug tools.

They code locally, upload their code to the vm with FTP (big security whole) and test on the dev server.

Developers needs to install libraries, services, backend and databases, they use the DEV environment that is shared with other devs and often is shared with the production servers environment. They install something on the server and boom every developers have issues because a library was updated and production stops working as their code is not working nor tested with this upgrade.

Developers should develop in their own closed environment and to do that they need to have a copy of the production environment then they can do what ever they need to in their own closed development environment. If they update libraries or install new ones this should be noted and reproduced in the production environment, tested, staged and deployed with a CI / CI Pipeline.

Lack of Observability & Security

One of the common problem enterprises are facing even with the Fortune 500 is the lack of SECURITY and OBSERVABILITY.

The developers don't have the tools to  secure, debug, deploy, and test their code.

Operations (Ops) "often done by Developers" have their own tools that are not fully efficient as enterprises have different tech stack that not always Operators or developers likes and the data and there is so much data but most of the time only metrics and basic logs are ingested or most of the times just sitting and not monitored logs files.

90% of the time they miss the most important data, tracing to improve the customer experience.

With that, very little alerts are put in places because of lack of time or knowledge.

Observability is HARD!

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box

Security is even HARDER

You can edit text on your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box a settings menu will appear. your website by double clicking on a text box on your website. Alternatively, when you select a text box

Is there a better solution?

What if you can have the same configuration and the same code that works on AWS, Google, Microsoft, Oracle, Equinix, Linode, Digital Ocean, or ANY other Cloud or Bare Metal Servers, and On Premisses and at the EDGE without changing anything. Would that be wonderful?

Well it's possible with HyperClouds as we use a common SUSE Stacks RANCHER, HARVESTER, LONGHORN, compatible with VMWare, OpenStack, Kubevit and most of the Operating System including Ubuntu, SUSE, SLES, Rocky Linux, RHEL with RKE2 kubernetes with Government grade Security and K3S for development and at the EDGE. 

We complete our stack with OPNI for observability with AI for Metrics, Logs, Tracing and FLEET and EPNIO for CI/CD at scale and finally the most important security with NeuVector and AI

We can import and manage into RANCHER existing Kubernetes Clusters from AWS EKS, Google GKE, Azure AKS, Oracle OKE, Linode LKE. Alibaba ACK, Baidu CCE, Huawei CCE, Open Telekom Cloud CCE. Tencent TKE, and of course Rancher RKE, RKE2 and K3S.
